The following macro works the other way, across multiple (selected) Section breaks. It is better to use secret passwords with local authentication as the secret passwords are a lot harder to crack.As has been discussed, deleting a Section break causes the Section preceding the break to assume the page layout of the following Section.
Service password encryption would pvent that person seeing the passwords in clear text. Cisco says that this encryption should be used for a situation where someone is looking over your shoulder and you type “show run” or another command that displays passwords. WARNING: Service password encryption uses weak encryption and can easily be cracked. David has designed, implemented and managed networks ranging from single sites to those that span 50 countries. He has also personally developed Cisco engineer utilities such as the VPN Config Generator, software, training materials, EBooks, videos and other products which are used throughout the world. David started working with Cisco Unified Communications Manager when it was still called Cisco Call Manager and has been deploying, troubleshooting and teaching Unified Communications products since version 3.0.ĭavid has delivered instructor led courses in various countries around the world covering a wide range of Cisco topics from CCNA to CCIE. David is also a Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI #22787) and has been training Cisco courses for over 10 years.
Use the tool below to decrypt type 7 encrypted passwords – it’s really easy to crack these passwords: NOTE: Please only use the below form for password recovery, training and demonstration purposes! David Bombal Qualifications: CCIE #11023, CCSP, CCIP, CCSI, CCNP, CCDP, CCVP, AIS, ASE, MASE David Bombal (CCIE #11023) passed his Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Routing and Switching exam in January 2003.ĭavid is one of a small percentage of Cisco Engineers that pass their CCIE labs on their first attempt. The number that follows (060506324F41) is the encrypted version of the password. To configure an enable password, do the following: Router>Router>enable Router#configure terminal Router(config)#enable password cisco To enable password encryption, do the following: Router>Router>enable Router#configure terminal Router(config)#service password-encryption Displaying the running config will show the following: Router(config)#do sh run i enable enable password 7 060506324F41 The number ‘7’ indicates that the password has been encrypted. Enter the resulting decoded password into the 'Shared Secret' section of the new VPN connection and set the GroupName. Click 'Authentication Settings' back in the Network Prefrences screen. It is better to use secret passwords with local authentication as the secret passwords are a lot harder to crack.Ī JavaScript implementation also exists here: 7. It will encrypt the enable password as well as encrypting all other clear text passwords on your router including the VTY, AUX, console and user passwords. Service password encryption will encrypt passwords. People will also be able to see your passwords if they are saved on a TFTP server or disk as they are all in clear text. That means that anyone standing behind you when you type the commands “show running-config” or “show startup-config” will be able to see your passwords. The enable password is stored by default as clear text in the router or switch’s running configuration. One fundamental difference between the enable password and the enable secret password is the encryption used. The PCF file can be opened in your favorite editor to view and edit configurations, but the PSK is still not in a human readable form, but it can be decrypted using the tool at this site: Unfortunately using a show run will only give you asterisks for the PSK, but you can use this command to see the PSK in the config: more system:/running-config If you have access to a working PCF file, you can also retrieve the key from that. The easiest way is to actually get it from the running config on the ASA. There are a couple ways to retrieve a pre-shared key for a Cisco IPSEC VPN.