For tutorial's sake, lets just check shiny, because who doesn't love shiny Pokemon?īy now, your page should look something like this And check shiny.if you want the Pokemon to be shiny. Check egg if you'd like to receive the Pokemon as an egg, check Pokerus once if you'd like your Pokemon to be infected with Pokerus, check it again so that the Pokemon will be cured of Pokerus, or check it once more to bring it back to no longer having Pokerus. The bottom 3 buttons are Egg, Pokerus, and Shiny. I will be using my White TID and SID, so I will just select White. This all depends on what TID and SID you will be using. For Origin, input the game that this Pokemon in coming from. Usually does not matter, unless you are making a foreign ditto or something of that sort. Country is where your Pokemon originates from. Disregard this (Its pretty self-explanatory anyway) Form is not applicable unless you are generating something like Rotom or Sawsbuck. Pick one of the naturally obtainable abilities(Dream World abilities work differently, we'll talk about that in a different section) and put it down. Two naturally obtainable abilities, and a Dream World ability. Since this little guy is level 100, lets go with 255 happiness. Most Pokemon's base happiness is 70 when they hatch, and their max happiness is 255. You can let your Pokemon hold whatever item you'd like. By hovering over it, a long box appears, showing you which stats the natures effect. Lets just do 100 because we're cool like that. Under Level, put whatever level that you'd like your Pokemon to be. It will mess up your Pokemon's name and trash byte sequence if you do. DO NOT check the little box adjacent to nickname. So the sequence would be Scolipede\FFFF\FFFF So the sequence would be Beedrill\FFFF\0000\FFFF So the sequence would be Weavile\FFFF\0000\0000\FFFFFīeedrill has 8 characters. Mathematically, thats 11 characters minus 9 characters equals 2. But since Dunsparce is 9 letters, then that leaves 2 spaces left for the trash bytes. The middle of every sequences are groups of 0000, and the sequence always ends with FFFF.Ī Pokemon's name can be a maximum of 11 characters-that's 11 letters. Backlashes follow after every group of 4 numbers. In the name sequence, there are characters called trash bytes-which fill in the remaining characters left untaken by the Pokemon's actual name.Ī trash byte sequence starts with the actual Pokemon's name, following a backslash(\), and ALWAYS beginning with FFFF. Now it gets a bit tricky here, so pay attention. For the sake of this tutorial, lets do Dunsparce. The next box below it says Pokemon, type in the species name of the Pokemon that you'd like to generate. In 5th Gen Pokegening, you do not have to worry about this, because once the Pokemon is transferred to your game, a legit PID will be created for them. This is an identification for the Pokemon, based on their IVs, EVs, nature, shininess, ect. In the main box to the left, you will see the first area says PID. For example, if you have an English Black gamecard, then check English. On the top bar, click on the Language button and checkmark the language which your Black or White gamecard is.
#Pkhex gen 7 making sure its legal how to
How to Generate Hatched/Caught Pokemon/Legends Try going along with the guide by making the Pokemon that is used as an example, and use Pokecheck to ensure that your Pokemon is legal when you have completed the guide to ensure that you have done it correctly. In this guide, it will walk you through how to make a Pokemon. Smogon's Strategy Dex (Ideas for movesets and strategys/EV s[reads) Bulbapedia (To look up learnsets/egg moves/DW exclusive moves) A functional, personal GTS or access to Pokemon Selector/Pokestation A browser open to look up movesets and Pokemon How you decide to use your generated Pokemon, that is completely up to you. On a personal level, I use Pokegen primarily to test my Pokemon/strategys on the Random Matchups in BW.

It's very easy to use and a fast way to try out different strategies. Pokegen is a great program to use to create legal Pokemon to test out in random Wifi battles if you do not have the time to RNG your Pokemon, EV train them, level them to 100, ect.